Cardboard City Event
Cardboard City is an awareness campaign to provide a better understanding of what it means to be without a home in Cheatham County.
When: Saturday, September 7, 8:30-11:00 am
Where: Cheatham County Courthouse in Ashland City
What: Families, churches, schools, civic organizations, nonprofits, and businesses are invited to form a team and participate in building a cardboard house.
Event Schedule:
8:30 am - Welcome & Rules
9-10 am - Building of the cardboard houses
10-10:30 am - Judging, Announcements, Food & Fun
10:30-11 am - Awards of Winners
We are still looking for sponsors to support Cardboard City. Click the button below for more information about sponsorship opportunities.​
Teams are limited to 4-6 people. Organizations are encouraged to form more than one team.
Registration is required by August 23, 2024. There is NO registration fee.
Each team will receive cardboard boxes and duct tape at the event. Plus, teams will be able to select one additional item from an "extra-item table" such as a rope, a tarp, a blanket, or scissors, for example.
The teams will have one hour (9-10 am) to build their cardboard houses, which must be big enough for one person to lie in.
Each house must be able to stand upright during the time of judging will take place at 10-10:30 am
We have created a separate youth category for teams with a majority of members 18 and under.​​